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Carmel sees return of customers, some without face masks

CARMEL, Ind. (WISH) — After weeks of stay-at-home orders in Indiana, downtown Carmel was buzzing with new life Monday as many retailers opened to 50% capacity.

But, were people following the recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the state for face coverings?

The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing is difficult, especially in areas where there’s significant community spread.

As businesses start to repoen in Hamilton County, according to Indiana State Department of Health COVID-19 data, as of Monday, there are more than 800 positive COVID-19 cases.

Tito Kaggwa-Kasaato made sure his face was covered on his Carmel work route Monday.​ “I’m trying to be safe. I don’t want to infect anybody.”

Kaggwa-Kasaato, of Indianapolis, told News 8 going inside businesses, including ones in Carmel, is part of his job every day. ​In his eyes, people wearing some kind of face covering during this pandemic is hit and miss.​

“If I were to give a ratio, it’s about like, 70-30. Seventy percent wearing masks, 30% not wearing one at all.” Kaggwa-Kasaato said.

In a completely nonscientific observation, News 8 stood outside part of Carmel’s Arts and Design District for 15 minutes. ​Out of 45 people, News 8 saw 10 people who had their faces covered.​

“To protect myself and others” is the reason Kristie Jones, of Carmel, gave for having her face covered.

The rest, 35 people, were not wearing a face covering.​

“We probably should have, but they didn’t have them right now.” Elizabeth Miller said to News 8.

Keith Oldknow showed News 8 his face mask in his pocket and said, “Being out here with the fresh air and the breeze blowing, as long as you have social distancing going on, I think that’s pretty safe.” 

News 8 saw most people observing 6-feet of social distancing, as health officials recommend.​

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