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FedEx driver stops, folds fallen American flag

FERNDALE, Md. (CNN) — A FedEx driver stopped in his tracks when he spotted a fallen flag on a Maryland couple’s porch.

It was a windy day in Ferndale on Wednesday, and a flagpole had been blown down to the ground in front of a house.

Gail Cook and her husband weren’t home, but their security camera recorded what happened.

Mike King, their longtime FedEx delivery driver, stopped his truck to pick up the flag, fold it, and leave it in a box on their porch.

“He stopped and took time out of what (is) surely one of his busiest delivery weeks (after Cyber Monday) to pick up our flags and fold them and place them safely on a box that was on our porch,” Cook said.

She posted the footage on Facebook, thanking King.

“It’s the Marine way,” King, a former Marine, commented on her post. “Would have done better justice for Lady glory if the wind wasn’t gusting at 50. I couldn’t just drive by and do nothing.”

Cook said she’s just glad the driver is getting recognition.

“(It) says a lot when you do something for the right reasons and not just (because) someone is watching,” she said.