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Gov. Pence, Sen. Kaine face off in VP debate

WASHINGTON (AP) — Indiana Governor Mike Pence and Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, faced off in the Vice Presidential debate Tuesday night. The debate kicked off at 9:00 p.m. at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia.

Gov. Pence and Sen. Tim Kaine went back and forth on a number of issues including Hillary Clinton’s trustworthiness, Donald Trump’s temperament as well as Trump’s and Clinton’s plans to get the economy going.

Both candidates sparred about “the insult driven campaign” about some of the comments from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

When it came to the economy, Pence said “more taxes is not the answer to the economy.”

The topic of Trump’s taxes also came up during the debate.  When Gov. Pence was asked about the issue, he turned it back on Sen. Kaine.

“Senator do you use all the deductions you are entitled to?  I do,” Pence said.

The candidates were also asked about police-action shootings that have recently grabbed headlines.

Terrorism and plans to combat terrorism was discussed and Gov. Pence mentioned Hillary Clinton’s private server and emails.  Also, brought up in regards to national security was the Clinton Foundation’s foreign donations.

Kaine and Pence also talked about their faith and how that affects their lives and policy decisions. Pence talked about his view of abortion and hit Hillary Clinton on her support for partial-birth abortion.