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Hendricks County hospital starts hotline to answer coronavirus questions, concerns

Hendricks County hotline about coronavirus

HENDRICKS COUNTY, Ind. (WISH) – Hendricks Regional Health opened a 24-hour, 7 day a week COVID-19 coronavirus hotline.

The goal is to reduce trips to emergency rooms and urgent care facilities, which could keep the virus from spreading further.

Healthcare professionals are standing by to listen to your symptoms and answer your questions.

Both the CDC and World Health Organization said coronavirus infections can be asymptotic and the CDC said the role of pre-symptomatic transmission “is unknown.”

This means a person can transmit the virus before they might be infectious, which also means some people are probably spreading COVID-19 without even feeling sick.

The best way to protect yourself is to wash your hands frequently and keep a social distance of about six feet from people.

To contact the hotline, call 317-520-5500.