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Indianapolis food trucks pay it forward to homeless population

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The city’s favorite food trucks with Friends of Fred Food Truck Company made sure people who are homeless don’t go to bed hungry.

Nine trucks handed out free food and coats during the 4th Annual Food Truck Rally at Military Park from 6-8 p.m. Sunday.

Todd Richwine, owner of Friends of Fred Food Truck Company and event organizer said, “It just keeps growing each year. You can tell it’s nonstop. There’s nobody here at 5 o’clock, and now it’s after 6, and the place is packed.”

Many of the food trucks are usually stationed downtown for people to come to them, but many trucks changed their business plan to go to the customers when the pandemic hit.

The switch helped them stay afloat and be able to give back.

“All the food trucks agreed that losing GenCon, losing Riley and losing Statehouse hurt the bottom line, but for the betterment of everyone else, it’s the right thing to do,” said Bill Gruesser, chef and owner of Serendipity Food Catering. “We’ve been blessed to work in the neighborhoods; that’s been nice.”

About 300 people stopped by for food, hygiene products and the essentials to survive the harsh winters while supplies last. Richwine said a truckload of supplies were donated to the Wheeler Mission after the event and each food truck gave out 30-50 meals.

“A lot of the neighborhoods that we went to with the food trucks donated coats, socks, hats and things, as well as a lot of the food truck owners purchased gloves and hats,” said Daniel Carter, chef and owner of Chef Dan’s Food Truck. “I thank God every day for blessing me to be able to help and provide. Not just for the homeless, but anyone that’s needed.”

Gruesser said this was his first time participating in the food truck rally and said the event will be marked on his calendar to participate next year.