Horse rescued after falling into well in Westfield

A horse on Dec. 11, 2023, got free of its stall and fell through the protective cover over an old well in Westfield, Indiana, rescuers say. (Provided Photo/Westfield Fire Department)

WESTFIELD, Ind. (WISH) — A horse got free of its stall and fell through the protective cover over an old well, leading to its rescue Monday, the fire department says.

Westfield Fire Department says one of its crews and representatives of several agencies came together to rescue Eva. The department on Facebook called Eva “a very sweet and curious horse.”

Photos showed Eva standing in the concrete-block-lined well, which had a depth that appeared to be about the horse’s height. The well appeared to be next to a red-brick building, although the fire department did not reveal where the structure was located or what time authorities were called to help.

A veterinarian sedated Eva, and the horse suffered a few scraps and bruises that were evaluated after its rescue, the Facebook post says.

Photos provided by Westfield Fire Department via Facebook.