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Indianapolis teen lands spot in a national leadership program

INDIANAPOLIS, (WISH)-   An Indianapolis teenager is preparing to explore careers through a national ivy league program.

Caleb Mitchell is a junior at Pike High School and will participate in Yale’s ‘Envision National Youth Leadership Forum Business program in the summer. Mitchell was nominated by teachers and people in his community and selected from applicants across the country.

He is the youngest member of his family, well known for his leadership skills, love for business and marketing, and inspiring others. With dreams of studying marketing in college, he is looking forward to gaining hands-on experience from this program.

“This was something I wanted to do. It wasn’t one of those regular college letters coming through the mail. This is a program to help you see what you really want to do as a career. I went over some of the course descriptions, and it sounds competitive, and I love being competitive. But, I love having fun with learning at the same time, so it’s just a taste of everything,” Mitchell said.

Despite losing his father during the start of high school, Caleb has pushed himself to achieve in school.

“I’m grateful for the lessons he taught me growing up and the people I’m surrounded by to help me push toward things I want in life,” Mitchell said.

According to Envision website, it is one of the many programs offered by WorldStrides that enable students to explore their interests and experience learning beyond the classroom.

Mitchell is also enrolled in an apprentice program through EmployIndy and works at Indiana Sports Crop in the Marketing Division.