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Planning to run a marathon? Here is how to fuel your body best

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Thousands will lace up their racing shoes and hit the pavement Saturday in the Carmel Marathon, but before the race, a dietician shares healthy tips that will help lead runners to the finish line.

Stacy Becvar is getting ready to finish her first full marathon Saturday in Carmel after discovering a link between running and her diet. She joined News 8 Daybreak on Thursday, along with Ascension St. Vincent Sports Dietician Jordan Jennewine, to talk about how a runner’s diet can affect their performance.

“It can be really shocking the first time that someone’s training for a marathon, the nutrition needs that they need to meet — the carbohydrates we need to get in the number of calories that we need to get in, and then how to time all of that around training runs and make sure that we’re staying fueled and hydrated,” Jennewine said.

Becvar was experiencing stomach issues while running and learned that certain foods could help build her endurance during a race.

“The primary fuel for an endurance-type event is going to be carbohydrates — so carbs are really important. We also want to focus on getting carbohydrates that’s going to not upset someone’s stomach — typically, easily digestible, lower in fiber,” Jennewine said.

Some may feel like skipping a meal before a run will help avoid any stomach issues, but according to Jennewine, it’s important to figure out ways to get that in.

The Carmel Marathon will take place on Saturday and News 8’s Drew Blair will be there to emcee the event and run the half-marathon.