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Tax cut bill passes, fate of gun permit bill awaits

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The 2022 Legislative Session has ended.

State lawmakers wrapped up a midnight debate marathon by passing a major tax cut plan and a bill that drew strong objections from major police organizations.

Lawmakers passed a $1 billion tax relief package. It cuts Indiana’s current tax from 3.23 percent to 2.9 percent over the next seven years.

Republican House Speaker Todd Huston said the goal is to put hundreds of millions of dollars back into your pockets.

“We’re excited about repealing URTs (utility receipts tax), income tax reduction, and using this as a chance over the next nine months to see where we’re at and see where the budget is and build a budget,” said Huston. “I think we’ll continue to make investments and hopefully return to Hoosier tax payers.”

Huston said once fully phased in, Indiana will have one of the lowest income tax rates in the nation.

Republicans agreed the tax cut bill will put money back in the pocket of Hoosiers.

“I do think you have to weigh these things, certainly, with what can you do with the surplus that we have and the investments that we’ve talked about that it can go in the state,” Phil GiaQuinta, the House Democratic Leader, said. “That we create more jobs and I think Hoosiers will really see an impact on their lives.”

Also passed was the bill loosening Indiana’s gun laws. It allows people to carry a gun in public without a permit. That’s unless the person has a felony conviction, faces a restraining order or has a dangerous mental illness.

The National Rifle Association supports it. The NRA said in a statement that, “Hoosiers value their Second Amendment rights. This bill simply codifies the fundamental right of all people to defend themselves wherever a self-defense situation may arise.”

Lawmakers debated for three hours over the permit bill.

It now sits on Governor Eric Holcomb’s desk to be signed or vetoed. He has seven days to do so.