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Snow plow blade gets bright design from elementary students

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The winter season just got a little brighter with the help of McClelland Elementary students.

Students in Karla Allison’s art class presented their “one of a kind” gift to the Snow Team at the Indianapolis Airport Authority on Thursday. Their gift – putting a little cheer onto a snow plow with a specially design painting.

An IAA snow plow will display the 18-foot work of art on its blade, which has been a tradition for the past seven years.

Director of Public Affairs Angela Cain said Allison has been teaching the students about kindness and how important it is. In fact the message on the snow plow reads “Kindness is Everything.”

The blade was signed by most members of the schools community as they made a promise to always be kind.

You can look for the blade when winter storms hit IND as it works to clear snow and ice from the runways.