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US surgeon general hopes to boost COVID-19 vaccine trust among Indiana’s minority population

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Indiana and national health officials are coming together Tuesday morning to host a virtual conference in an effort to boost COVID-19 vaccine trust among minorities.

The Indiana Minority Health Coalition is hosting the event with the goal of breaking down vaccine facts and myths.

Dr. Virginia Caine, the Marion County Public Health Department director, will join Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, to discuss the state’s plan for vaccine rollout.

The coalition announced on Monday that U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams will join the discussion, which will focus on the historical trauma and distrust with vaccinations among minority populations.

Distrust toward the vaccine is a concern for health leaders. A recent Axios-Ipsos poll shows 29% of Black Americans say they wont get the vaccine. That’s compared to 20% of white and 20% of Hispanic people who say they wont get the vaccine.

“To truly promote confidence in these vaccines, we must start by acknowledging this history of mistreatment and exploitation of minorities by the medical community and the government,” Adams said after getting his first done of vaccine last week.

The webinar is scheduled for 11 a.m. Tuesday. People interested in attending must register in advance.