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White House threatens to revoke Acosta’s press pass again

WASHINGTON (WFLA) – White House officials are once again threatening to revoke the press pass of CNN reporter Jim Acosta.

Acosta’s pass was suspended earlier this month after he got into an intense exchange with President Donald Trump during a news conference. 

CNN later sued the president and other top White House aides, and accused them of violating their First Amendment rights. On Friday, a judge ordered the White House to return Acosta’s pass.

CNN says White House aides sent a letter to Acosta later that night and threatened to revoke his pass again.

The letter was sent by Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications Bill Shine. Both were listed as defendants in the lawsuit CNN filed.

“We are writing to give you formal written notice that we have made a preliminary decision to suspend your hard pass due to your conduct at the President’s November 7, 2018 press conference,” the letter reads. “The President is aware of this preliminary decision and concurs.”

In the letter, the White House aides say Acosta’s behavior at the news conference violated “basic standards.”

The end of the letter states, “Of course, you will continue to maintain your hard pass while the Temporary Restraining Order issued on November 16, 2018, remains in effect.”

CNN is now asking the U.S. District Court for another emergency hearing on the situation.

In a statement, the network said “The White House is continuing to violate the First and 5th Amendments of the Constitution. These actions threaten all journalists and news organizations. Jim Acosta and CNN will continue to report the news about the White House and the President.”

According to a court filing from Monday, CNN and Acosta are looking to get a hearing on a preliminary injunction by Nov. 26 or as soon after that date as possible. CNN says the injunction could be put in place for longer and protect Acosta’s access to the White House.