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Wrightsville Beach, N.C., assesses Hurricane Florence damage

WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. (NEXSTAR) — The eye of Hurricane Florence came on shore at 7:15 a.m. Friday right over Wrightsville Beach. 

The storm was only a Category 1 but still created significant damage along the Carolina coastline.

From Wrightsville Beach to downtown Wilmington, Florence delivered a powerful punch to the area.

Trees fell at James Ray Robinson’s home Thursday night and ripped the power line off the side of this house. 

“Oh, man, it sounded worse than a freight train coming down the road. It was rough,” Robinson said “Oh, it was pretty rough last night. Wind blowing water everywhere, trees falling, had me scared all night.”

In his neighborhood we heard that story repeated again and again. 

Greg Vassar said, “A lot of threes, a lot of big ole trees.”

He was out for a walk in his neighborhood assessing the damage. It was a noisy Thursday night for him, too.

“Yeah, a lot of noise and, especially when hurricanes come thru at night, it’s not really fun because you don’t know what’s going on so you hear a lot of things. A lot of wind, a lot of rain and bumps on the roof.”

But Vassar and others are trying to look at the positive. 

“You know the trees will grow back.”

As people in this neighborhood are keeping an eye out for each other. 

“I’m excited to see the neighbors. There houses are OK so that’s a big plus. 

Thousands and thousands of people were without power Thursday and Friday. It may take some time before all systems are restored.