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Hoosiers in Indianapolis brave cold temperatures for work, workouts

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The brutally low temperatures on Friday didn’t deter everyone from being outside, showing it doesn’t necessarily take a brave person to bear this cold, but a committed one.

Aubrui Anderson is on Day 2 of what will be 75-day heart and mental health challenge. “It doesn’t matter how I feel. Just at the end of the day, you get it done.”

He’s commiteed to two 45-minute workouts a day. One of them has to be outside. He admitted Friday was not the best time to set out for a run.

“I’m still not 100%. I’m not going to lie to you. There’s no more if there’s no comfort for me whatsoever being outside,” Anderson said.

With the temperatures below zero, not too many people were outside. But the ones you did see were bundled up tight to fend off the winter air. Ruby Clark was one of the few trying to make it home. “The wind just whips right under there,” she said about the bus stop awning.

Fresh off work, she had one more bus to take. While the weather was frightful, it wasn’t the worse she’s seen. “I grew up where we could make snow forts in one snowstorm, so this is kind of mild to me.”

Clark says, although she’s out, she had a message for those who don’t need to be. “Go back in the house. Enjoy the warmth. Enjoy the season and merry Christmas to my family.”

Anderson hopes to encourage people to maybe not get out and run, but do something to make next year better. “Look at your 2022. What do you want to decide that’s going to be different in 2023,” he said.