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Fat cat from Evansville losing weight with a unique weight loss plan

Ty, a fat cat at the Vanderburgh Humane Society in Evansville, Indiana, has started hitting the pool as part of his weight loss journey. (Provided Photos/Vanderburgh Humane Society via Facebook)

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WISH) — An “extremely overweight” cat named Ty is hitting the gym pool as part of his unique weight loss plan.

The Vanderburgh Humane Society first shared his journey on Facebook in February. That post said, “Meet Ty – This incredibly thicc boy is on an epic weight loss journey and needs your help!”

At the time of the first post, Ty clocked in at a whopping 30 lbs, leaving staff concerned for the pressure his weight had on his entire body, especially his back.

The humane society provided an update in April, saying Ty was “well on his way to reaching his goal weight.”

At the beginning of April, the 30-lb cat is down to 26.8 lbs thanks to water therapy at the Canine Aquatic Center. He’s gone twice a week since mid-February.

“He’s even swimming across the pool all by himself,” the post continued.

Experts shared that this plan should help him to lose weight and be a little healthier. “He has a long road ahead, but we’re optimistic that this therapy will help,” the post said.

The February post asked for donations for Ty and another cat named Jacob, who is suffering from pelvic fractures.

The shelter already reached the original goal of $1000.

Anyone interested in donating to the Vanderburgh Humane Society to help these cats can do so here.