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Former Indiana Governor says ‘enough’ to RFRA

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Former Indiana Governor Joe Kernan is now among several businesses, conferences and mayors who have issued a letter over concern for the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

On Wednesday he opened his letter by simply stating “enough!” He says the backlash continues to grow every hour of each day, damaging Indiana.

The letters said in part:

“Indiana businesses are taking a beating; we are made out to be Neanderthals who are stepping back in time; our LGBT friends are revisiting the vitriol that once again opens the door for the hatred and bigotry that they have already had to fight, opening up old wounds that we wrongly assumed had been put to bed. And sadly, we are hurting our young people. They are confused and trying to sort out exactly what this means to them, as they watch the grown-ups fight with each other.”

On Tuesday Governor Mike Pence said he would make sure to fix this. A solution is now being worked on by lawmakers behind closed doors. A decision is expected on Thursday.

However, Kernan said this is a bill that can not be reworked or edited and should be vetoed or rewritten.

“Perhaps, trying something new, and working together in the General Assembly, a bill with bipartisan support could dig us out of this hole. Maybe we could start with something like, ‘Love Thy Neighbor,’” Kernan said.

Kernan’s letter ended by saying this is an easy fix that needs to start ‘now.”