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Indianapolis Moms: Coping with the loss of a pet

Coping with the loss of a pet

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Parenting comes with some painful tasks — helping a child cope with the loss of a pet is a big, difficult one.

Andee Bookmyer, Indianapolis Mom’s contributor, stopped by Daybreak on Wednesday to talk about her latest blog on coping with the loss of a pet.

“I love the phrase ‘the only way out is through’ and doing that alongside your family and friends and just trying to really revel in the fact that you got to spend this amazing time with this pet and they were a chapter in your book,” she said. “But to them, you were their entire book and just remembering the good times as hard as it is to lose them, but you will get through it.”

Bookmyer added that putting your loss into words honors deceased pets and can help ease the pain.

“I love writing letters to my deceased dog and remembering the good times and it honors them .. having your kids maybe draw pictures, or, keep a journal, or talk about their favorite moments with their pet. It all helps to celebrate, again, just remembering them and how they made you so happy, and then remembering how you made them happy as well,” she said.

Watch the full interview above.