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Indy Shakes to put on modern adaptation of ‘Julius Caesar’

Julius Caesar adaptation coming to Indianapolis

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Indy Shakes, formally the Indianapolis Shakespeare Company, Inc., proudly celebrates its 17th year of delivering top-tier, fully professional theater performances. Next month, it will produce a modern adaptation of “Julius Caesar.”

Zack Neiditch talked to Daybreak’s Jeremy Jenkins about what attendees can expect.

“We are going to be running the show starting next weekend, May 3rd through the 19th at the Indianapolis Phoenix Theater,” Neiditch said.

Indy Shakes, which typically puts on large shows Riverside Park, is taking this production to a venue, Phoenix Theatre Cultural Centre. Other changes that attendees can expect is a shorter performance length and the use of more “modern” language.

“We have also added a lot of live video, a lot of projection work, a lot of music. It’s sort of like the rock concert version of Julius Caesar,” Neiditch

Jen Johansen and Scot Greenwell gave viewers a preview of the show. To view their performance, check out the video at the top of the page.

For more information on “Julius Caesar” and other Indy Shakes productions, click here.