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Kid-ing with Kayla: Which toys should you keep or toss in a move?

Kid-ing with Kayla: We are in the process of moving into a new home and that means deciding whether we take certain toys, donate, or sell them.

Obviously, my son isn’t too excited to get rid of any of his toys but I do feel like we need to downsize the number of things we take into our new house.

Here are the things I’d like to see get “mysteriously lost” in the move

  • Slime
  • Toys you can get at an arcade like a slinky, bouncy ball, spider rings and parachute men
  • Stuffed animals without sentimental meaning
  • Ball pit (it’s so messy and annoying but my son loves it so I’ll probably keep it)
  • Costumes with the complicated finger gloves
  • Any toys with broken or missing pieces

Which of your child’s toys would you keep or get rid of in a move? Weigh in on Facebook!