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Goodwill locations collecting personal protective equipment due to shortage

Goodwill locations collecting personal protective equipment- 7

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – All Goodwill central and southern Indiana stores are collecting personal protective equipment, or PPE, to help keep the state’s supply full. 

The stores are looking for face shields, protective eyewear, hand sanitizer and sanitary disposable gloves. The donated gear will then be handed out to medical professionals across the state. 

State Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box said 80% of the state’s supply has already been distributed to hospitals and healthcare facilities. 

The supply Indiana has from the National Strategic Stockpile will cover 13 days and Box can’t guarantee that supply will be replenished.  

That number does not include what hospitals already get from suppliers. However, many hospitals have noticed a slowing in their own supply chains.

She said best-case scenario, the state goes through 50,000 masks per day and that’s with serious conserving. 

Box added if your company has the ability to produce PPE, the state would like you to do so.

Additionally, if you have anything to donate, you can drop it at any Goodwill location.