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Work continues on DigIndy project

Indianapolis Ind. (WISH) – A major project in Indianapolis has hit a milestone. The DigIndy Project has hit the halfway point but it’s still more than eight years away from being finished. 

According to Citizens Energy’s website, “the DigIndy Tunnel System is a 28-mile long network of 18-foot diameter deep rock tunnels being built 250-feet beneath the city. The $2 billion program is Indy’s solution to reducing combined sewer overflows. The goal is to take out nearly 97 percent of sewage from Indy’s waters.”

Officials from Citizens Energy say construction has now started on the White River Tunnel project. They plan to have that section completed by 2021. 

Officials have also said the sewage system has already removed 5 Million gallons of polluted water from the water in Indy.