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Airbnb Icons category brings pop culture fans’ dreams to life

(Provided Photo/Airbnb)

(WISH) — Airbnb has launched Icons, a series of unique experiences that connect guests with notable personalities from various fields including music, film, art, and sports. The company announced the debut of the first 11 Icons, with more to be introduced globally throughout the year.

“Icons take you inside worlds that only existed in your imagination—until now,” said Brian Chesky, Airbnb co-founder and CEO. “As life becomes increasingly digital, we’re focused on bringing more magic into the real world. With Icons, we’ve created the most extraordinary experiences on Earth.”

Among the notable Icons is the chance to sleep in a floating house inspired by Disney and Pixar’s “Up.” Located in Abiquiu, New Mexico, this house is a meticulous replica of Carl’s home, complete with over 8,000 balloons. This creation marks the 15th anniversary of the film. Bookings for this experience close at 11:59 PM PT on May 13, 2024.

Another experience invites guests to step into a 2D animated version of Xavier’s Institute for Higher Learning from Marvel Animation’s “X-Men ’97,” located in Westchester, New York. Participants can explore their mutant abilities and train in the Danger Room. The booking deadline for this experience is also at 11:59 PM PT on May 13, 2024. See the photos in the gallery above.

In anticipation of the release of “Inside Out 2,” Airbnb offers a stay at Headquarters, the central hub of Riley’s emotions from the film. Hosted by the character Joy, this experience allows guests to interact with the setting of the upcoming movie, which hits theaters on June 14.

Airbnb has featured Icons prominently on its homepage. Most experiences are free, with prices not exceeding $100 per guest. A countdown timer shows the availability of each experience, and bookings can be made through the app. Selected guests receive a digital golden ticket. In 2024, over 4,000 tickets will be distributed to lucky participants.