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Gov. Holcomb gives statement on Ohio train waste

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb will lead a delegation to Japan beginning Thursday for a weeklong trade mission. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Gov. Eric Holcomb issued a statement on Friday evening related to an update on testing of the East Palestine, Ohio hazardous waste directed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to be transported to Indiana.

Related: Holcomb: Third party to test toxic waste from Ohio trail derailment

Holcomb released the following statement:

“Since yesterday when I directed the third-party testing of any material arriving from the East Palestine train spill, the EPA today provided us a written commitment that any further material scheduled for shipment to Indiana from the East Palestine train spill site will undergo testing to confirm there are no harmful levels of dioxins before heading to Indiana. This is the right decision for the EPA to take this important step.

As for the materials that are already enroute prior to the EPA announcement, our teams have been working with the third-party laboratory to expedite the testing of those truck loads which should bear detailed results sometime early next week. Samples are now scheduled to be taken early tomorrow morning, Saturday, March 4, with testing to begin that same day at the Pace Laboratory. The site operator is supportive of this testing and has been cooperative in helping us carry this out. We will share any results with the public in an effort to be open and transparent as soon as they become available.    I do want to commend the result of strong and constructive collaboration of elected leaders at the local, state and federal level. The advice and communication across the board was critical in reaching this result to provide assurances to our communities. We will continue to provide further updates, as necessary.”

Gov. Eric Holcomb