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Local union stresses safety in construction zones

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Reminders are popping up across the city, asking drivers to pay attention in construction zones.

A little more than four years ago, construction workers Coty DeMoss and Kenneth Duerson Jr. were killed while working in a construction zone. In August 2016, a judge sentenced Jordan Stafford to 10 years in prison in their deaths. 

Laborers Union 120 has invested in radio ads and billboards in hopes that drivers will remember to slow down and pay attention to crews. The billboards will move around the city of Indianapolis during construction season. The radio ads are currently playing on Emmis radio. 

In 2017, Laborers Union 120 placed mugshots of Stafford on billboards around the city. The union also placed pictures of the victims DeMoss and Duerson Jr. to stress safety in construction zones. 

“That guy went to work to make a living to help raise his family. Someone was careless, and he died. That is really; sad we should think about that human aspect,” said Victoria Meyer, a resident.