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‘Unscripted with Amber Hankins:’ 17 sets of twins start school in one Scottish town

Seventeen sets of twins about to start the new school year in Inverclyde attend a group photograph at St Patrick’s Primary on August 11, 2023 in Greenock, Scotland. Seventeen sets of twins gear up for this year's school intake at St. Patrick's Primary Greenrock, bolstering 'Twinverclyde' as the nickname of choice for the council area, with its remarkable history of high twin counts. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

GREENOCK, SCOTLAND (WISH) — As a kid, I dreamed of having twins.

Dressing them the same, double this, double that! So cute, right?

But for teachers in one Scottish town, they’ll be seeing double this school year, times 17!

According to, 17 sets of twins are set to enroll this fall at a Scotland school. They’re all from the same Scottish town of Greenock, Inverclyde, which has been nicknamed “Twinverclyde.” Holy double takes!

“Is there something in the water?” Well, that’s a question many of us might be asking, but what’s even more wild about this story? The “twin-ness” doesn’t end there.

Would you believe? This is only the second biggest number of twins to start at the school! Some suggest the bizarre phenomenon has become a bit of a “tradition” in the town.

scotland twins hugging
(Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

Case in point?

Since 2013, St Patrick’s Primary in Greenock, Inverclyde, has had 147 sets of twins attend the school, averaging at 13 per year. In 2015 alone, 19 twin pairs began school at the same time. That’s a record!

Check out these stats. Every year, 1.6 million twins are born around the world, according to research from the University of Oxford that reported a record number of twin births in 2021.

As for me, my cousins are twins, and I always thought it would be cool to be a twin or to have a twin sibling, and now, as a parent, to have twin babies.

In case you’re thinking this is just a one-off year, think again.

As it turns out, the Scottish town has always been known for its high rates of twins, with 147 sets attending the local schools in the past decade.

Seriously. Is there something in the water?

Because if so, maybe, I should move to Inverclyde. If I really want twins someday, it could be worth a shot!