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Doctor gives tips to stay safe while celebrating another COVID Christmas

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The year 2021 will be another COVID-19 Christmas thanks to omicron’s arrival and its rapid spread. 

Health authorities say safety measures are needed now more than ever as the mutation takes over the country. But, celebrations don’t have to mean isolation if the appropriate precautions are taken.

“As we’ve been saying all along, get vaccinated … get yourself protected,” said Dr. Christopher Doehring, vice president of medical affairs at Franciscan Health. “If you are vaccinated and are due for a booster, get boosted. Those things will not only protect you but will help protect your vulnerable family members.”

Doehring also recommends staying home if feeling ill, gathering together in a larger space and minimizing close contact including hugging. Instead, greet guests with fist and elbow bumps.

These suggestions, he says, are based on the surge in cases after Thanksgiving, of which the country is still experiencing the aftermath.