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Purple Line construction closure set to start next week

(WISH Photo)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Purple Line construction will enter a new 130-day closure along 38th Street between Keystone and Emerson avenues. This is expected to begin on or after Monday July 11.

Construction is expected to take two years and is scheduled to open for service in 2024. It will run 15 miles, connecting Downtown Indianapolis to Lawrence. The update will help transport more people faster.

One eastbound lane will stay open. Westbound lanes will be closed between Keystone and Emerson. Traffic will be detoured between Emerson Avenue, 46th Street, and Keystone Avenue.

The previous 130-day closure on 38th Street from Fall Creek Parkway to Keystone Avenue is now reopened to two-way traffic using the southern portion of 38th Street. The northern portion of 38th Street will stay closed.

Westbound IndyGo Routes 4, 5 and 39 require a detour around the closure for the safety of riders and construction workers.

A list of closed bus stops can be found on the Purple Line website.

IndyGo plans to provide temporary bus stops in locations where it is safe to do so. Access to local businesses and residences will be maintained during the closure.