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How the pandemic is affecting medical care for children

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The pandemic is affecting children in obvious ways at schools and hospitals, but it could be affecting children in less obvious ways.

Dr. Tony GiaQuinta, the former president of the Indiana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, spoke with News 8’s Phil Sanchez for an “UnPHILtered” conversation on Tuesday night.

GiaQuinta explained how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all aspects of children’s medical care, including regular appointments, dentist visits, childhood vaccinations, and their mental health.

“What we’re seeing and what we’re really worried about are the other deleterious consequences of the coronavirus pandemic,” GiaQuinta said. “And one of those is the difficulty establishing and getting back reacquainted with their, what we call, their medical and dental home.”

He also explained why some parents are still hesitant to bring their children back to in-person doctor’s offices.

To see the entire conversation, click the video above.