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Helping Veterans and Families organization provides life services to veterans

Celebrating Veterans: HVAF

Heading home from active service can be a difficult task for many veterans. Emmy Hildebrand, CEO of HVAF which stands for “Helping Veterans and Families,” started her organization on a goal to help veterans and their families receive the best possible quality of life.

“What we are trying to do here at HVAF is reduce the opportunities for Veterans to fall out of their program or miss a handoff to another service they need, so we offer housing, employment assistance, legal services and assistance with basic needs.”

“Here at HVAF we believe it is a tragedy that a lot of Veterans are homeless, and we want to do everything we can to end it in our community.”

A lot of Indianapolis businesses offer help to HVAF, which makes it possible for them to continue provide services. HVAF has been serving the veteran community for thirty years now, which has been a great help to those in need.

HVAF was first started by volunteers, including a woman named Louise Lloyd who is now 98 years old. HVAF is grateful for the opportunity to keep expanding. They started off helping 5 veterans in their first year to now helping over 1,300 a year.

HVAF is here to help veterans create a stable life. Learn more on HVAF’S website.