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Celebrating ‘National Dog Mom Month’

How to celebrate National Dog Mom Month

As Sunday nears, many prepare to honor their mothers on Mother’s Day.

But before that, Saturday marks National Dog Mom Day, which recognizes the love and dedication of dog owners to their pets.

Tom Dock, Director of Communications, Noah’s Animal Hospitals, joined us to talk about the importance of relationships between dogs and moms.

Human and dog moms share a common bond in caring for their young, often without much recognition.

Some argue Dog Mom Day takes away from Mother’s Day, but there are striking similarities in the relationships between humans and their children and dogs.

Research shows oxytocin plays a crucial role in both human-dog and human-child interactions, fostering emotional connections.

As the weekend approaches, let’s celebrate all moms, whether they nurture human children, doggy companions, or both, acknowledging their love and dedication.