Learn about a summer camp centered around the arts

He’s got the rhythm and soul…. and now he’s putting it all together in a “Rhythms of the World Interfaith Summer Camp,” with help from the International Marketplace Coalition. Today on Indy Style, we hear from musician Pavel Polanc-Safadit and Mary Clark about the camp and how it might inspire you to get up and dance!

More Info about the Camp:

IMC’s Mary Clark, along with Witherspoon Presbyterian Church and The International Marketplace Coalition, are putting together a new camp this summer. The name of the camp is called Rhythms of the World Interfaith Summer Camp. Rhythms of the World Interfaith Summer Camp is a five day summer camp where the students will emerge in four different countries from June 20-June 24th from 8am-2pm at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church. In this cultural emergence camp, the students will have the opportunity to experience the food, art, music, dance, sports, beliefs and other cultural aspects that make each particular highlighted country unique. A field trip will be included. Rhythms of the World Interfaith Summer Camp has limited quotas for students admissions. We are accepting around 45 students.

Clark and a group of professionals, such a CEOs, Indy jazz hall of famers, business owners, teachers, professors, media consultants, professional musicians and artists, and pastors from different countries, will enhance the knowledge of the participants and broaden their understanding of the world. Every day, the parents will get RWISC E-News informing in detail of the events of the camp.