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Indiana State Fair Fishin’ Pond seeks hundreds of volunteers

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The Indiana Department of Natural Resources is seeking hundreds of volunteers to operate its State Fair Fishin’ Pond.

Not all of the volunteering involves tying knots or helping to push a worm on a hook, the department notes on its website where volunteers can learn more.

Volunteers will receive free admission to the fair and a free T-shirt.

The Fishin’ Pond opened in 2006 and lets children ages 5-17 try their luck at catching a fish in the concrete pond on the northwest side of the fairgrounds off 38th Street and East Fall Creek Parkway North Drive.

The fair runs July 28-Aug 20, although it’s closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. General admission tickets are $11 each, and one-day parking passes are $8 each.