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Vote on murals to stay from Indianapolis Super Bowl project in 2012

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Amy Rheinhardt has a lot of memories about the work she did in creating the mural “Swept Away.”

She completed the mural, at 803 Broad Ripple Ave., just weeks before Indianapolis hosted Super Bowl 46 in 2012.

“My now almost-10-year-old daughter, Francis, I was pregnant with her and had her about a month after completing this mural, not to mention the fact that I was working in January and on a ladder,” Reinhardt said.

Rheinhardt was one of 34 artists selected to paint murals around Indianapolis to help revitalize the city’s arts scene.

“For this initiative, I did two more on the Old Northside of Indy, on The Concord Farm, and they were kind of farm-themed,” Rheinhardt said.

The original contract stated property owners who had murals painted on their buildings only had to keep them up for 10 years.

Property owners now are being asked if they want their murals to stay or be painted over. The artists and the public are being asked for their input. The Arts Council of Indianapolis is holding an online poll where you can choose your top three; voting is open until Feb. 21. The Arts Council will use some of the input it gets from the voting to secure money to maintenance and repaint the surviving murals.