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Counselor: How to make peace with FedEx mass shooting 1 year later

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – April 15, 2021, is a day Hoosiers will never forget. It marks one year since the FedEx mass shooting. 

It was a day of shock and profound grief that will be particularly charged for friends, family and co-workers of those who lost their lives at the hands of a gunman.  

News 8 spoke to Kimble Richardson, licensed mental health counselor at Community Health, who explains how those affected can prepare for this difficult day. 

“I think the best thing you can do to prepare is to be around a support system,” he said. “People who you love and love you. And to kind of understand when to leave you alone and when to come near you. Hold you. Hug you. Whatever you need.”

Richardson says when people experience grief any feeling is normal and expected and natural. The added ingredient is the randomness and the senselessness of what happened. This, Richardson says, is something many survivors may still be struggling with because it didn’t have to happen. 

He goes on to say there is really no way to make sense of it. He also says while there will be pain and suffering there can also be beauty and healing in finding a way to promote kindness, tolerance and understanding.