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Indiana Task Force 1 deployed to provide storm relief aid

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – As millions of people brace for what could be a huge natural disaster from Hurricane Florence, a group from Indiana is on the way to the danger.

Indiana Task Force One left Indianapolis early Tuesday morning for North Carolina.

At this point they do not know their specific destination or exactly what they will be doing. 

“We’re a full type-one team so that gives us a multitude of disciplines we can deliver. Everything from structural collapse, K9 search, to water rescue. So, we can do many things whenever we get into an area where they may need us,” said Michael Pruitt, who is the public information officer with Indiana Task Force One.

He said they received the call from FEMA around midnight that the team had been activated.

“We knew activations were coming. There’s a system and process that FEMA has for dispatching teams so we just kind of wait and see what they decide to do,” he added.

The 86-person team will be on standby and ready to help with whatever job is needed.

“Seventeen years ago, this team traveled to New York City early in the morning on September 11 and some of the same members going out the door today went on that same response,” said Pruitt on being deployed on the 911 anniversary.

The team will post updates on Facebook and Twitter