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Senior centers ‘Pump it for Parkinson’s’ to fund research, awareness

Senior citizens “Pump it for Parkinson’s”

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — An Indianapolis fitness center partnered with senior living facilities and businesses across the country to honor World Parkinson’s Day on Thursday.

The National Institute for Fitness and Sports hosted the second annual “Pump it for Parkinson’s” fundraising event. The campaign started last year and organizers say it is already seeing significant growth.

In 2023, NIFS partnered with about 100 senior living centers to host events. This year, over 250 facilities and businesses took on the challenge.

Throughout the event, participants use exercise machines to increase their step count. It’s an effort to raise awareness and fundraise for Parkinson’s research.

NIFS president Emily Davenport says the center partners with senior living communities to develop specialized programming for their residents.

“By doing a program where we’re providing education, where we’re raising awareness, and really empowering these folks, many sought resources and came forward with their diagnosis,” Davenport said.

Nationwide, the goal of “Pump it for Parkinson’s” is to get 10 million steps, honoring the 10 million people living with Parkinson’s worldwide.

They also want to spread awareness of the benefits exercise has for people living with the disease.

“Exercise is one of the key recommendations that someone with a Parkinson’s diagnosis will receive from their doctor,” Davenport said. “It helps delay symptoms, it helps minimize symptoms, and just improves overall quality of life.”

Many of the participating events will be using NuStep exercise machines.

NuStep Market Manager Carly Manzo-Tluczek says the company hopes the event will help reduce the stigma around the Parkinson’s Disease.

“It is really important to bring awareness,” Manzo-Tluczek said. “Not a lot of individuals are willing to speak up … about if they have this disease.”

This year’s fundraising goal is $10,000. To contribute to the campaign, click here.

The money raised will benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.