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Popular over-the-counter supplement reduces suicide attempts

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — An over-the-counter supplement is linked to a decrease in suicide attempts, a new study suggests.  

Folic acid is a B vitamin abundant in vegetables like asparagus, Brussels sprouts and spinach. People can also buy it over the counter in the form of a pill. Women are encouraged to take folic acid if they are planning to get pregnant. But now, scientists say it could be used as a treatment to prevent suicide. 

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. According to a new report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 47,646 deaths were confirmed as suicides in 2021 with higher rates among men reversing two years of progress. Researchers say the COVID-19 pandemic is largely to blame. 

Since folic acid works to generate new, healthy cells in the body, scientists at the University of Chicago thought it may have the same positive effect on the brain. They assessed 886,586 people with confirmed suicide attempts identified by data using insurance claims, and found patients prescribed folic acid for health reasons showed a 44% reduction in suicidal attempts and intentional self harm compared to those not taking it.

“There are no real side effects,” said lead study author, Dr. Robert Gibbons said in a news release. “It doesn’t cost a lot of money and you can get it without a prescription. This could potentially save tens of thousands of lives.” 

The study was published in JAMA Psychiatry.