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Community Link: Prioritizing your health

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Each week in Community Link, Carolene Mays takes a look at an organization or business that is making a positive impact on the community.

This week, Mays was joined by Dr. Virginia Caine, director of Marion County Public Health Department, and an associate professor of medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Dr. Caine has been recognized as instrumental and committed to addressing public issues and joins us in discussing how to prioritize your health.

“The key thing we’re looking at is that mental health has almost become our number one priority. People don’t always have access to behavior specialists and sometimes, they self-medicate because of depression, anxiety, and a number of behavioral issues. We’re seeing a higher suicide rate, especially in our youth, so it is a huge concern for us,” Dr. Caine said.

Watch the full interview above for more!