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How to keep your pets safe during Pet Poison Prevention Month

March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month. Tom Dock from Noah’s Animal Hospitals is in the “Life.Style.Live!” studio with tips on how to keep your curious pets out of harm’s way.

The Pet Poison Helpline lists the most common pet toxins reported in Indiana:


  • Chocolate 17.8% of calls Lily plants 12.3% of calls 
  • Grapes/Raisins 6.3% of calls Chocolate 5.5% of calls 
  • Xylitol 4.4% of calls Antidepressants/Anti Anxiety meds 5.0% of calls
  • Bromethalin 4.0% of calls Vitamin D3 supplement 2.6% of calls 
  • Ibuprofen 3.6% of calls Ibuprofen 2.4% of calls 

Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661) or Pet Poison Control (888-426-4435)