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Indy Dog Whisperer: How to help your dog calm down at the fence

Fence line fiascos, many dogs can be very well-behaved in the home, but as soon as they interact with a person or animal at the fence it’s a whole nother story.

Nathan Lowe, The Indy Dog Whisperer, joined us Tuesday on “Life.Style.Live!” to share a few tips to help you lay the law when it comes to your dog’s fenceline behavior.

1. Identify the Bark 

     - “Machine gun barking” is for threats only 

     - “Shotgun barking” is okay almost anytime 

2. Understand What Your Dog is Doing 

     - Saying, “You’re a threat to what I claim here” 

     - Reserving the right to chase off what approaches 

     - Asserting authority/decision-making power 

3. Take Charge of the Fence Line Scenario 

     - Give a sharp verbal “bark” warning 

     - Put fence to your back and “charge” towards  dog 

     - Move to a neutral spot and give verbal warnings 

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