On the Aisle with Tom Alvarez highlights Valentine perfect shows
Tom’s Performing Arts Picks this week:
“Speed Dating Tonight!”
Intimate Opera of Indianapolis
Feb. 12-15intimateopera.org
An original one act musical…about what it means to find love.”
“Crazy For You”
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre
Feb. 12 – April 4beefandboards.com
Based on 1930 musical ‘Girl Crazy.’ Music by the Gershwins.”
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Feb. 13, 14, & 15indianapolissymphony.org
The Symphony plays the score live…an incredible experience.”
The Marcus Roberts Trio
Clowes Memorial Hall
Feb. 13cloweshall.org
“A Musical Valentine”
Carmel Symphony Orchestra
Feb. 14thecenterfortheperformingarts.org
Mandy Gonzalez
The Cabaret at the Columbia Club
Feb. 20 & 21thecabaret.org
Check out Tom’s Throw Back Thursday picture with Kurt Vonnegut when he was directing a PSA for the Children’s museum.
Click on this link to access Tom’s previews, reviews and artist profiles on Examiner.com and become a free subscriber. http://www.examiner.com/performing-arts-in-indianapolis/tom-alvarez
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