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Exploring how neural nostalgia affects the mind

Doc Hogan joins to talk “neural nostalgia”

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Neural nostalgia is all about how our brains remember the past and why we sometimes feel happy or sad when we think about it.

Memories aren’t like videos we replay in our heads. Instead, our brains piece together memories using lots of different bits of information.

One part of neural nostalgia is how our senses can trigger memories. For example, the smell of cookies might remind us of happy times with family. Our senses are closely tied to how we remember things.

Emotions also play a big role. Good memories are often remembered more easily and made to seem even better than they were. Bad memories might be pushed aside or changed over time.

Nostalgia, the feeling of longing for the past, can be helpful. Remembering good times can make us feel better when we’re feeling down. It helps us feel connected to who we are and where we’ve come from.

Neuroscience helps us understand all this by looking at which parts of the brain are active when we remember things. Brain scans show us how memories and emotions are connected. It’s a way for scientists to learn more about how our brains work and why nostalgia is such a big part of being human.