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Jay-Z settles the long-standing debate: Dinner with him or $500K?

Jay-Z speaks during the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/David Richard)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The long-standing social media debate about whether a person should take a dinner with Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter or $500,000 is finally settled.

In a recent interview with Gayle King, Jay-Z said, “You’ve gotta take the money.” 

The music mogul, billionaire, entrepreneur, and producer has seen much success in his career. But even the man himself says he wouldn’t advise anyone to take a bad deal.

“You’ve got all that in the music for $10.99,” Jay Z said. “I wouldn’t tell you to cut a bad deal. Like, take the $500,000, go buy some albums, and listen to the albums.”

At the center of the debate is this question: is it better to have direct access to the wisdom/inspiration or take the money and run?

Some argue that the metaphorical “gems” one could receive through a dinner with Jay-Z may be worth more than half a million dollars. The Marcy Projects native has a life story full of obstacles, adversity, and remarkable success, which some say would be more valuable than the actual money.

At the end of the day, this debate has always been about perspective. Jay-Z says regardless – you should take the money. He adds that his music catalog is the blueprint for his life.

“It’s all there. If you piece it together and really listen to the music for the words, well, what it is, it’s all there,” said Jay-Z. “Everything that I said was gonna happen, happened. Everything that I said I wanted to do, I’ve done.”

It is no secret that Jay-Z is seen as a source of valuable insight for aspiring people, especially those looking to succeed in the entertainment or business world. However, the belief that dinner with him may be more valuable than the $500,000 is a myth that the rapper himself has dispelled.

During the interview, he went on to emphasize the importance of financial pragmatism.

Jay Z’s argument pushes the notion that the wisdom he has to offer is not exclusive to just personal interactions or meetings with celebrities. He suggests that the real value lies in the tangible knowledge and experiences that can be acquired through easier means — like his music.

This perspective shows the importance of practicality and resourcefulness when it comes to pursuing knowledge and success. There are several more tangible and easily accessible sources of inspiration and wisdom beyond a dinner with any celebrity.