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ISP cracking down on impaired drivers in March

(WISH Photo, File)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Indiana State Police are cracking down on impaired and aggressive drivers.

According to the release, ISP is joining with 250 other law enforcement agencies to “increase education and enforcement around dangerous and impaired driving.”

March 4 through March 27, officers will begin high-visibility patrols to help catch impaired and aggressive drivers.

“I enjoy the month of March, with all the great basketball as well as the St. Patrick’s Day holiday, just as much as any other Hoosier,” said Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter. “But I caution anyone thinking of using this, or any other reason, as an excuse for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.”

The increased enforcement is funded federally by the Traffic Safety division of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.

State police will have over 150 troopers working overtime to help with the initiative.

“If we see people who are driving dangerously, know that we will stop them and if they’re impaired, they will be arrested,” Carter said.

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