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Scientists say omicron variant is burning out

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Omicron’s rapid spread has U.S. health officials gravely concerned about another pandemic wave — a wave they anticipate could be worse than all previous outbreaks.

However, one group of researchers says omicron is burning out as quickly as it grows. Just weeks ago, infection rates in South Africa were skyrocketing. But new evidence shows omicron may have passed its peak and may be on its way out.

In a study not yet peer reviewed, scientists in Johannesburg found omicron was 80% less likely to lead to hospitalizations than the delta variant. For those who are hospitalized the risk of severe illness, it was 30% lower than delta.

Dr. Salim Abdul Karim, leader of the South Africa’s pandemic response team, said in a previous interview that this is good news for the United States.

“By the time we knew it, (omicron) was fully established. Based on the proportion of sequences, I’d say we are two to three weeks ahead of the U.S. What we’re seeing here in South Africa at least tentatively should be good news for everyone,” said Karim.

By this he means that in just a few short weeks, omicron could lose all steam — an indication our nation may soon be on the other side of it.