Police cracking down on drunken driving through Labor Day
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) – State police and other Indiana law enforcement agencies are participating in a national crackdown on drunken driving through Labor Day.
The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is an annual enforcement effort supported by federal funding allocated to police agencies from the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. State troopers will work overtime starting Friday through Sept. 7 to conduct sobriety patrols and checkpoints.
According to statistics compiled by the institute, Indiana had 94 fatal alcohol-impaired collisions in 2014. That total accounted for 13 percent of all fatal crashes. The number of alcohol-related fatal collisions fell 17 percent between 2013 and 2014.
State troopers will join more than 250 law enforcement agencies throughout Indiana in conducting high-visibility patrols to deter motorists from drinking and driving.