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Meteorological winter finishes with below-average snow in central Indiana

(WISH Photo)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Meteorological winter, which includes December to February, came to a close this past Thursday.

It was another dud of winter with regards to snowfall.


Once again, central Indiana finished with snowfall below average. This marks 9 of the last 10 winters with below-average snowfall. Only 8.2 inches of snow fell, with 3.9 of that amount falling on Feb. 16. The average snowfall from December to February is 21.2 inches in Indianapolis.

In case you were wondering, Indianapolis averages 3.2 inches of snow in the month of March. We are not out of the woods just yet!

Precipitation-wise, Indianapolis tallied 7.80 inches. Remember, this includes rainfall and melted-down snow. This was just below the average of 8.47 inches.


Warm air was the story of the winter for many in Indiana. We had two cold spells with below-normal temperatures in mid-January and a short stint of colder temperatures for parts of All-Star weekend. Indy’s average temperature for the entire season was 36.9 degrees, over five degrees above normal.

Indiana was not alone in the warmer-than-average temperatures. Most of the Midwest had temperatures above normal. You can find those maps here.

Right now, there are no chances of snow over the next 8-day forecast. You can find the latest forecast by visiting our weather blog.