Community Link: Leadership Indianapolis
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Each week on Community Link, Carolene Mays takes a look at an organization or business that is making a positive impact on the community.
This week, Mays was joined by Beth Perdue Orland, the vice president of Leadership Indianapolis.
Educating, inspiring, connecting, and mobilizing are ways that Leadership Indianapolis works with community leaders to strengthen the city.
The group was established in 2013 by two prominent leadership groups, the Stanley K. Lacy Executive Leadership Series and Lacy Leadership Association. Orland says the genesis for the group started the Lacy family honoring their son who died in an automobile accident in 1973.
“The genesis of Leadership Indianapolis was actually the Lacy family, who were committed to the leaders of Indianapolis. When one of their sons was tragically killed, they wanted to honor the family and his legacy by starting a program that developed leaders,” she said.
The Stanley K. Lacy program takes in between 25 to 45 people each year, and over a yearlong course, develops their skills and connections so they can become committed leaders.
She also discusses Leadership Indianapolis’ other major programs, like LEAD, which is a 3-day course that helps hone skills to build collaborative environments and lead teams effectively.
Orland also explains why believes leaders aren’t born, but developed.
Enrollment for Leadership Indianapolis’ 48th Stanley K. Lacy leadership course is open until April 18.
Watch the full interview above to learn more.