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3 things to do right now if you’ve lost your job

Right now unemployment is at an unprecedented rate, and if you want to find a job you also want to stay on top of a few things professionally. Lindsay Boccardo, Generational Consultant and Millennial Career Coach explains more with these three tips.

1. Revamp your resume – if you don’t have one, start building one. There are plenty of templates online – make sure you find one that’s easy to read. Have a career coach or a professional resume writer look it over if you’re feeling stuck. A lot of us weren’t POLISHING our resumes right now, so it might be overwhelming. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

2. Update your LinkedIn profile – it’s proof that you are who you say you are. It really helps you with the third part:

3. Network and REACH OUT – tell people exactly the role you are looking for and companies you’d love to work at. “I’m looking for a role in HR at a small tech company here in Indy. My ideal company would be Lessonly, SEP, etc.”

You want to be networking with ONE new person a day to help spread the word.

The NY Times has stated that each person knows around 600 people. And those 600 people know 600 more! At the end that’s an exponential network of over 360,000 people.

What I love about Indy is that it’s a big little city. You have a good chance of finding someone who knows someone who knows the right person for you to talk to.

NOTE: This may sound counterintuitive, but don’t waste your time looking at job postings. I say that because 70-80% of jobs are unlisted and filled by word of mouth. So, when you apply to jobs on the internet without any connection, there’s a very low chance that you’ll get noticed. Even if you’re qualified or overqualified.

Having a resume and LinkedIn aren’t enough. There’s more opportunity than what you think but it will take more of your initiative.

For more from Lindsay, visit her website