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Three ways to build trust with your team if you’re working from home long-term

We all know by now that being in person is not the same as being on a video conference call. Nick Morgan, author and researcher – would say it’s almost impossible to replicate the in-person experience and build trust easily.

Lindsay Boccardo, generational consultant and millennial career coach says, we will have to work a little harder to connect working from home long term. Here are some tips from her on how to build trust with your team:

  1. Make sure to take time to tune into the other
    person (or your entire team) before starting a meeting digitally. Just the way
    someone walks in the door gives you a clue. Now we need to ask people how they
    are doing a more directly so we can modify our approach.
  • Show up consistently and on time. It’s easy
    to take for granted that we don’t have to commute (and we can wear sweatpants
    all day!)
  • Be clear about objectives of your meetings, make sure to send agendas and do what you can to not be distracted.

For more from Lindsay, visit her website